Basic Steps

These steps are here to serve as guidelines/reminders for the process, not as official documentation. The MABE2 docs site has some in-depth, but somewhat complex, instructions about how to actually set up and work with a new config file. The steps are significantly stripped down here for you.

Anywhere you see Modname here, you should just drop in the name of the module. e.g. Modname.mabe => RoyalRoad.mabe, EvalModname.hpp => EvalRoyalRoad.hpp.

Running MABE with Existing Evaluators

  1. cd build to enter the build directory
  2. make to compile MABE2
  3. Edit the parameters in settings/Modname.mabe to your liking. You can probably leave most things as default but may want to play around with the parameters of EvalModname in particular to see how things change, or mess with the DataFile parameters if you want to store different kinds of data or give a new name.
  4. ./MABE -f ../settings/Modname.mabe to run.

Inportantly, you do not need to recompile if you are changing parameters in the .mabe file. You only need to recompile if you are changing code.

Creating a New Evaluator

  1. Write your evaluator in source/evaluate/static/EvalModname.hpp by copying one of the existing modules and changing relevant details. EvalNK.hpp is a good place to start.
  2. Add a line to source/modules.hpp to #include "evaluate/static/EvalModname.hpp"
  3. cd build to enter the build directory
  4. make to compile MABE2
  5. Copy and paste in this gen.mabe file to settings/gen.mabe. Edit EvalModname eval_mod to match your new module. Optionally, edit BitsOrg bits_org to ValsOrg vals_org if you’d like to use real-valued numbers instead of bits.
  6. ./MABE -f ../settings/gen.mabe -g ../settings/EvalModname.mabe to generate your eval module
  7. Edit the parameters to your liking, as in 3 above.
  8. ./MABE -f ../settngs/Modname.mabe to run.