Searching & Sorting Competition

Welcome to the “competition”! The purpose here is to see if you can both quickly and accurately implement a new algorithm with the power of your groupmates.

Note: Coding fast is not actually the most necessary skill to have. Coding well can often be more important. But sometimes it’s fun to push yourself a little and try developing new skills.



Your goal is to create a program that finds whether a particular value appears in the data, and returns the sorted data. These steps can appear in any order.

Win Condition

The file provided to you provides timing for execution of certain steps. Your score is the combined (average) execution time of:

  • Your sorting algorithm,
  • And the result of your search.

All of the contestants will be ultimately run on my computer to ensure fairness. I will run it three times and take the average.

Only groups which submit their work by the end of the course period are eligible to win.


We currently have no scheduled topic for Friday, May 19. The winning group can pick the topic/activity for that date. It can be any topic inside or outside computer science; the only thing you can’t pick is “cancel class”.


Starter Files

The starter file for this project can be found here.

The main.cpp file includes a random array. Note that this is not an ArrayList, but just a standard, C++ array.



Below is the pseudocode for Insertion Sort and for Merge Sort. You will have to implement one of these as your sorting function.

Insertion Sort

function InsertionSort(list A)

    for i from 1 to A.length-1
        valueToInsert = A[i]
        prevIndex = i-1
        while prevIndex >= 0 and valueToInsert < A[prevIndex]:
            A[prevIndex+1] = A[prevIndex]
            prevIndex = prevIndex - 1
        end while
        A[prevIndex+1] = valueToInsert
    end for
    return A


Merge Sort

function MergeSort(array A)

    if A.length <= 1 
        return A

    middleIndex = A.length / 2
    leftArray = MergeSort(A[0 ... middleIndex])
    rightArray = MergeSort(A[middleIndex ... A.length])
    mergedArray = merge(leftArray, rightArray)

    return merged Array


function Merge(array L, array R)

    initialize mergedArray
    leftIndex = 0
    rightIndex = 0

    while leftIndex < L.length AND rightIndex < R.length
        if L[leftIndex] <= R[rightIndex]
            leftIndex = leftIndex + 1
            rightIndex = rightIndex +1
    end while
    if leftIndex < L.length
        add L[leftIndex ... L.length] to mergedArray
    end if

    if rightIndex < R.length
        add R[rightIndex ... R.length] to mergedArray
    end if

    return mergedArray



Below is the pseudocode for Linear Search and Binary Search. You will have to implement one of these as your searching function.

Linear Search

function LinearSearch(array A, element x)

    for i from 0 to A.length-1
        if A[i] == x
            return i
        end if
    end for

    return -1


Binary Search

function BinarySearch(array A, element x)

    low = 0 
    high = A.length - 1

    while low <= high
        mid = (low + high) / 2
        if A[mid] == x
            return mid
        end if

        if x < A[mid]
            high = mid - 1      // new high value is whereever the middle was, since we need everything to the left
            low = mid + 1       // new low value is wherever the middle was, since we need everything to the right
        end if

    end while

    return -1