Week 8 Day 1 - Arrays of Objects

Find code from class here.

The purpose of today’s class is to get more experience with constructing and working with classes.

Questions from the ReadingPermalink

Why did they implement 0 as “null”?

Why do we need to write a toString() method? What happens if we do not?

What is “that.[name]”? What is “that” referring to?

What is “final”? What is “static”?

How does binary search work?


For today’s class I’m going to implement the Card class from the reading and discuss questions as they come up. If you miss class and have questions about the implementation of these structures, make sure to see me.

In-Class ExercisePermalink

In your groups, complete exercise 12.3 from your book. You can download or copy our implementation of the Card() class from here.

In Poker a “flush” is a hand that contains five or more cards of the same suit. For these purposes, hand can contain any number of cards.

  1. Write a method called suitHist() that takes an array of Cards as a parameter and returns a histogram of the suits in the hand. Your solution should traverse the array only once, as in Section 7.7.
  2. Write a method called hasFlush() that takes an array of Cards as a parameter and returns true if the hand contains a flush (and false otherwise).
  3. A “royal flush” includes the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 (all in the same suit). Write a method called hasRoyal() that determines whether an array of Cards contains a royal flush.