Lab 5 - Designing a Database

Lab Assignment

The purpose of this lab is to give you practice with combining all the skills we’ve used so far to create a rudimentary database of information.

This lab comes in two parts. In Part I, you will design your own solution to the problem and upload it to GitHub. In Part II, you will download another team’s solution, test it out, and make some small suggestions to enhance or generalize functionality.


For proficiency credit:

  • Your database should have all the requested functionality below
  • Your review for your classmates should address the questions given in the problem statement

For mastery credit:

Everything for proficiency, plus:

  • Your main() method should have very little content; most of your content should be organized into their own encapsulated methods
  • Your review for your classmates should provide at least one extended functionality

Lab Guide

Part 0: Creating a GitHub Repository

We will do this part of the lab together. Basically, you will need to create a new GitHub repository and add everybody in your group as collaborators to the repository. If you need a refresher on how to do this, see the GitHub lab from last week.

Part I: Designing Your Database

Your job is to create a very simple “database” of people’s names and their current bank account balance. What this means is that your program should be able to:

  1. Allows the user to enter a name and an amount, and save that information somewhere
  2. Allows the user to enter a name and display their current amount of money

It is up to you and your group members how you want to accomplish these tasks. Here’s some sample command-line input for what this could look like, with > representing input typed in by the user.

Please choose an option: [n]ew account, [d]isplay balance, [q]uit:
> n
Enter a name and a starting balance, separated by a space
> Acacia 200
New account created for "Acacia" with starting balance of $200.00
Please choose an option: [n]ew account, [d]isplay balance, [q]uit:
> d
Please enter the name to see the balance:
> Acacia
Balance for "Acacia" is $200.00
Please choose an option: [n]ew account, [d]isplay balance, [q]uit:
> q
Thank you.

This is just one possible option of many.

Part II: Reviewing Others’ Databases

The second part of this lab is to play around with your classmates’ databases. First fork their repository to your own account. Then, clone the repository and open it on your own computer. Finally, once you’re done with the following steps, push the changes to your GitHub page and create a pull request.

Do the following, and put the answers to your questions in the text of the pull request.

  1. Test out adding a new entry; does it work as intended?
  2. Test out displaying an entry; does it work as intended?
  3. Does the code appear well organized? Are there places the code could be organized better?

For mastery credit, also add, with comments, one of the following as a new functionality.

  1. Allow the user to enter a name and add some money to the account
  2. Allow the user to enter a name and remove some money from the account


Turn in a link to your github repository on Canvas under Lab 5.